Two women gave birth to 69 children

Actually, there are two such women: Mrs. Fyodor Vassilet of Russia and Mrs. Bernard Scheinberg of Austria.

Mrs. Vassilet achieved her prodigious total of 69 in 27 confinements. She gave birth to four set of quadriplets, seven sets of triplets, and 16 pairs of twins. If you add up these figures, you'll see that not one confinement produced a single birth. Mrs. Vassilet enjoyed considerable renown, and appeared at the court of Czar Alexander II. She died in 1872.

Mrs. Scheinberg's story in remarkable similar to that of Mrs. Vassilet. She, too, gave birth in 27 confiements; none of these produced less than two children; and miraculously, she likewise gave birth to fours sets of quadruplets, seven sets of triplets, and 16 pairs of twins!

When Mrs. Scheinberg died at the age of 56 in 1911, her husband Bernard remarried, and had 18 children by his second wife. Bernard Scheinberg had sired a grand total of 87 progeny.

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